Glade Reference

Cell class

The Cell class represents a cell, which can have multiple representations (views).


cell * cell::cell

Creates an cell object.


dbObjList<cellView> * cell::cellViews()

Get a list of the cellViews for this cell.


<list> getCellViews()

Get a Python list of the cellViews for this cell.


cell::name(const char *s)

Sets the cell name.


const char * cell:name()

Gets the cell's name.


cell::addCellView(cellView *cv)

Adds cv to the cell's cellView list.


cellView * cell::dbFindCellViewByView(const char *viewName)

Finds the cellView for this cell with view name viewName. If it does not exist, None is returned.


dbtype_t cell::objType() const

Returns the object's type (CELL).


const char * cell::objName()const

Returns the object's print name ("CELL").




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