Glade Reference

net class

The net class is normally created in a cellView using the dbCreateNet() function. A net is not derived from a dbObj, so it cannot have properties. Nets have pins (which represent connections at this level of hierarchy with upper levels of hierarchy) and instPins (which represent connections with instances, i.e. lower levels of hierarchy). These provide a means for hierarchical connectivity from the pins on an instance of the cellView to the instPins on instances in the cellView.


net::name(char *name)

Sets the name of the net.


char *name = net::name()

Gets the net name.


dbtype_t net::objType()

Gets the net object type as NET


char * net::objName()

Gets the net object name as "NET".


net::setCapacitance(float32_t val)

Sets the net capacitance.



Gets the net capacitance.


cellView * net::cellView()

Gets the cellView this net is contained in.


instPin * net::dbCreateInstPin(char *instName, char *pinName)

Creates an inst pin for this net with instName as the instance name and pinName as the name of the pin.


instPin * net::dbCreateInstPin(inst * inst, char *pinName)

Creates an inst pin for this net with inst as the instance and pinName as the name of the pin.


net::dbDeleteInstPin(instPin * ip)

Deletes an inst pin ip of this net.


net::dbDeleteinstPin(char *instname, char * pinname)

Deletes an inst pin given by instname and pinname of this net.


net::dbDeleteinstPin(inst * inst, char * pinname)

Deletes an inst pin given by inst and pinname of this net.


float64_t net::getHPWL(double &x, double &y)

Gets the half perimeter wirelength of this net.


net::setUse(db_NetUse use)

Sets the net's use.


db_NetUse net::use()

Gets the net's use.


const char * net::getUseStr()

Gets the net's use as a string.


net::setSource(db_NetSource src)

Sets the net's source type.


db_NetSource net::source()

Gets the net's source type.


const char * net::getSourceStr()

Gets the net's source type as a string.


net::setPattern(db_NetPattern pat)

Sets the net's pattern type.


db_NetPattern net::pattern()

Gets the net's pattern type.


const char * net::getPatternStr()

Gets the net's pattern type as a string.


net::setGlobal(bool flag)

Sets the net global flag.


bool net::isGlobal()

Gets the net global flag.


net::setSpecial(bool flag)

Sets the net special flag.


bool net::isSpecial()

Gets the net special flag.


net::setNonDefRule(int16_t index)

Sets the net's nondefault rule index.


int16_t net::getNonDefRule()

Gets the net's nondefault rule index.


net::setPins(dbObjList<pin> *pins)

Set the net's pin list.



Gets the net's pins as a python list.


net::addPin(pin *p)

Add a pin to this net.


net::deletePin(pin *p)

Delete a pin from this net.


net::addShape(dbObj *shp)

Add a shape to the net's shape list.


net::deleteShape(dbObj *shp)

Delete a shape from the net's shape list.


net::setShapes(dbObjList<shape> *shapes)

Sets the net's shape list.



Gets the net's shapes as a python list.


int32_t net::getNumShapes()

Get the number of shapes associated with this net.


int32_t net::getNumInstPins()

Gets the number of inst pins for this net.


net::addInstPin(instPin *ip)

Add an inst pin for this net.



Get the net's inst pins as a python list.


dbObjList<signal> * net::getSignals()

Get the signals for this net.


int16_t net::numBits()

Get the number of bits in this net. For example out<0:3> returns 4.


const char * net::baseName()

Get the net's base name. For example out<0:3> returns out.


net::addSubNet(uint32_t idx, subnet * node)

Add a subnet node with given index idx to this net.


net::deleteSubnet(uint32_t idx)

Delete a subnet with given index idx from this net.


int32_t net::getNumSubnets()

Get the number of subnets for this net.


subnet * net::createSubNet(const char *name, int32_t x, int32_t y)

Create a subnet with name name and coords x and y.


subnet * net::getSubNet(const char *name, int32_t &idx)

Get a subnet given its name name and return it and its index idx.


subnet * net::getSubNet(int32_t idx)

Get a subnet given its index idx.




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