Glade Reference

Rect class

The Rect class is used to represent a rectangle comprising two coordinate pairs. Note that this is NOT the same as a rectangle object which is a database object instead.



Creates a Rect object r. The rectangle coordinates are set to invalid i.e. llx = +infinity, urx = -infinity etc.


Rect::Rect(const Point &ll, const Point &ur)

Creates a Rect object r and initialises it with Point types ll, ur.


Rect::Rect(int32_t llx, int32_t lly, int32_t urx, int32_t ury)

Creates a Rect object and initialises its coordinates.


int32_t Rect::left()

int32_t Rect::bottom()

int32_t Rect::right()

int32_t Rect::top()

Get the specified Rect coordinate.


Rect::setLeft(int32_t x)

Rect::setBottom(int32_t y)

Rect::setRight(int32_t x)

Rect::setTop(int32_t y)

Set the specified Rect coordinate.


Point Rect::getLL()

Point Rect::getLR()

Point Rect::getUL()

Point Rect::getUR()

Get the Rect coordinates as a Point.



Set the Rect to invalid, i.e. llx = +infinity, urx = -infinity etc.


bool Rect::isNull()

Returns true if the Rect is zero area.


Point Rect::at(int32_t idx) const

Returns the Rect coordinate by index. Index must be from 0-3.


Edge Rect::Edge(int32_t idx) const

Returns the Rect Edge by index. Index must be from 0-3.


Rect::getEdge(const int32_t idx, Point & p0, Point & p1) const

Rect::getEdgeF(const int32_t idx, PointF &p0, PointF &p1) const

Get the Rect edge points by index. Index must be from 0-3.


Edge Rect::getEdge(const int32_t idx) const

EdgeF Rect::getEdgeF(const int32_t idx) const

Get the Rect edges by index. Index must be from 0-3.


Rect::operator == (const Rect &other)

Returns true if this Rect is equal to the other Rect.


Rect::operator != (const Rect &other)

Returns true if this Rect is not equal to the other Rect.


Rect::operator < (const Rect &other)

Returns true if this Rect is less than the other Rect.


Rect::operator > (const Rect &other)

Returns true if this Rect is less than the other Rect.


Rect::scale(float64_t s)

Rect::scale(int32_t s)

Scale a Rect coordinates by dividing them by s.


Rect Rect::offset(int32_t x, int32_t y)

Returns a Rect offset by the specified x and y distances.


Rect Rect::offset(const Point &p)

Returns a Rect offset by the specified Point p.


Rect Rect::MoveTo(const Point &p)

Moves a Rect's lower left to the specified Point p.


Rect::width(int w)

Set a Rect's width. The lower left of the Rect remains the same.


int32_t Rect::width()

Get the width of a Rect.


Rect::height(int32_t h)

Set the height of a Rect. The lower left rof the Rect emains the same.


int32_t Rect::height()

Get the height of a Rect.


Point Rect::centre()

Get the centre point of a Rect.


bool Rect::isSquare()

Returns true is the rectangle is square.


Rect::transform(orient_t orient, const Point &p)

Transforms a Rect using Point p and orientation orient.



Swaps the X and Y coordinates of a Rect.


Rect::unionWith(const Rect &p)

Rect r is set to the union of the Rects r and p, i.e. the bounding box of both.


Rect::unionWith(const Point &p)

Rect r is set to the union of itself and Point p, i.e. the bounding box of both.


bool Rect::touchOrOverlaps(int32_t x, int32_t y)

Returns true if the Rect touches or overlaps the point x, y.


bool Rect::touchOrOverlaps(int32_t xlo, int32_t ylo, int32_t xhi, int32_t yhi)

Returns true if the Rect touches or overlaps the rectangle formed by xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi.


bool Rect::touchOrOverlaps(const Rect &r)

Returns true if the Rect touches or overlaps the Rect r.


bool Rect::touch(int32_t x, int32_t y)

Returns true if the Rect touches the point x, y.


bool Rect::touch(int32_t xlo, int32_t ylo, int32_t xhi, int32_t yhi)

Returns true if the Rect touches the rectangle formed by xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi; returns false otherwise.


bool Rect::touch(const Rect &r)

Returns true if the Rect touches the Rect r.


bool Rect::overlaps(int32_t x, int32_t y)

Returns true if the Rect overlaps the point x, y.


bool Rect::overlaps(int32_t xlo, int32_t ylo, int32_t xhi, int32_t yhi)

Returns true if the Rect overlaps the rectangle formed by xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi.


bool Rect::overlaps(const Rect &p)

Returns true if the Rect overlaps the Rect p.


bool Rect::contains(int32_t x, int32_t y)

Returns true if the Rect contains the point x, y.


bool Rect::contains(int32_t xlo, int32_t ylo, int32_t xhi, int32_t yhi)

Returns true if the Rect contains the rectangle formed by xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi.


bool Rect::contains(const Rect &p)

Returns true if the Rect contains the Rect p.


Rect::intersectsWith(const Rect &p)

Modifies this Rect to the intersection of itself and Rect p.


Rect Rect::intersectsWith(const Rect &r) const

Returns a rectangle which is the intersection of this Rect and r.




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