Glade Reference

dbHierObj class

A dbHierObj is a helper class created in hierarchical searches using dbGetHierOverlaps(). It contains the object, the cellView that contains the object and the transformation of the object from the top level.


hierObj = dbHierObj(cellView *cv, dbObj *obj, transform trans);

Construct a dbHierObj with the cellView cv containing object obj and the transformation trans as seen from the top level.


bool dbHierObj::operator== (const dbHierObj & other)

true if the two dbHierObjs are equal.


operator != (const dbHierObj & other)

true if the two dbHierObjs are not equal.


bool operator < (const dbHierObj & other)

true if the dbHierObj is 'less than' the other. 'Less than' is a rather arbitrary comparison used for sorting. Objects are compared by type, layer, transformation and finally their pointlist.


dbObj *obj = hierObj.object()

Returns the dbObj associated with the dbHierObj.


transform trans = hierObj.transform()

Returns the transform of the dbHierObj.


int hierObj::layer()

Returns the layer of the object.


cellView *cv =

Returns the cellView that contains the object.




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