Glade Reference


The transform class contains functions to transform coordinates in subcells placed with offset, rotation and magnification.

All of this code is based on the fact that a point with coordinates x, y can be transformed by a transformation matrix T by:

[x', y', 1] = [x, y, 1]T

The transformation matrix for an offset (a,b) with no rotation or magnification can be described as:

          T =  [ 1  0  0 ]
               [ 0  1  0 ]
               [ a  b  1 ]

Rotations are e.g.

          T90 = [ 0  1  0 ]
                [ -1 0  0 ]
                [ 0  0  1 ]

transform transform::transform(orient_t orient, Point &p, float64_t scale)

Construct a transform with orientation orient, origin p and magnification scale. The orientation can be specified by the constants R0, R90, R180, R270, MX, MXR90, My, MYR90.


transform transform::transform(orient_t orient, Point &p)

transform transform::transform(orient_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y)

Construct a transform with orientation orient, origin p or x/y.


transform transform::transform(orient_t orient)

Construct a transform with orientation orient.


transform transform::transform()

Construct a transform with orientation R0.



Invert a transformation matrix


transform::inverseTransformRect(Rect &box)

Transform a Rect by the inverse of the transformation matrix. Useful if you want to take a Rect and transform it into the coordinate space of an instance with a transform. For example if you want to find if any shapes in an instance overlap a search box for a top level cell, use the inverse transform of the search box on all the instance's shapes. This means doing just one transform of the search box rather than one transform for each shape in the instance.


transform::inverseTransformPoint(Point &p)

transform::inverseTransformPoint(int32_t x, int32_t y)

Transform a Point by the inverse of the transformation matrix


transform::transformRect(Rect &box)

Transform a Rect by the transformation matrix


transform::transformRect(Rect &box, Point &origin)

Transform a Rect by the transformation matrix about a point origin.


ttransform::transformPoint(Point &p)

Transform a Point by the transformation matrix


transform::transformPoint(Point &p, Point &origin)

Transform a point by the transformation matrix about a point origin.


transform::transformPointList(Point *ptlist, int32_t size)

Transform an array of points of size size by the transformation matrix.


transform::transformPointList(Point *ptlist, int32_t size, Point &origin)

Transform an array of points of size size by the transformation matrix about a point origin.


transform::setOrient(orient_t orient)

Set the transformation matrix orientation


orient_t transform::getOrient()

Get the transformation matrix orientation.


transform::setOrigin(Point &p)

transform::setOrigin(int32_t x, int32_t y)

Set the transformation origin.


Point transform::getOrigin()

Get the transformation origin.


ttransform::setMag(float64_t scale)

Set the transformation matrix scale.


bool transform::isXYSwapped()

Returns true if the transformation is such that the objects XY coordinates would be swapped, e,g. if the object is R90.




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