Glade Reference

Via class

The Via class represents a via master, which is a kind of special cellView. Instances of vias are called viaInsts, and are simplified forms on insts. Normally a via is created with a given name; its shapes are added with addViaLayer(), and then the via is added to the library using library::addVia().



via v = via(name)

Creates a via object. The second type of constructor creates a via with name name.


via::setViaName(char *name)

Sets the via's name.


char * via::getViaName()

Gets the via's name.


via::addViaLayer(int16_t layerNum, Rect geom)

Adds a via layer. Note that vias can currently only contain rectangular shapes.


int32_t via::getNumLayers()

Gets the number of layers in the via. Typically this is 3 (two conductor layers and one via layer).


int16_t first_layer = via::getFirstLayer()

Gets the first layer of the via.


int16_t last_layer = via::getLast Layer()

Gets the last layer of the via.


viaLayer via::getViaLayerList()

Returns a viaLayer list which is a structure of the form:

    struct viaLayer {
      int16_t layer;
      Rect geom;
      viaLayer *next;
    } viaLayer;

via::setViaLayerList(viaLayer vl)

Sets the via's viaLayer list. Normally the viaLayer list is created using addViaLayer().


via::setViaDefault(bool flag)

Sets the via as a default via if flag is true.


bool via::getViaDefault()

Returns true if the via is a default via.


int16_t via::getOtherViaLayer(int16_t layer)

Given one of the via's conducting layers, returns the 'other' conducting layer.


via::setLib(library *lib)

Sets the library for this via. Normally this should not be used, as a via, after creation, should be added to a library using library::addVia().


library * via::lib()

Gets the library that contains this via.


via::bBox(Rect box)

Updates the via's bounding box. Note this creates a new bounding box which is the union of the existing bounding box and the new box.


Rect via::bBox()

Gets the via's bounding box.


via::setResistance(double r)

Sets the via's resistance in ohms.


float64_t via::getResistance()

Gets the via's resistance in ohms.


via::setPattern(char * name)

Sets the via's pattern name.


char * via::getPattern()

Gets the via's pattern name>




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