Licensing and Support

Free/trial use

Glade is offered in an unlicensed version for non-commercial users. This has all the features of the full version, but saving designs is limited to a maximum of 1000 shapes/instances per cellview.

Academic users

For an unlimited academic license, please send email to from your University mail including the MAC address as below.

Commercial Users

For commercial users the licensed version allows unlimited size designs, and also advance DRC features for small geometry/finfet processes. All for just £110/$140 per year!

If you need a commercial license, here’s what to do:

  1. Determine the MAC address of the PC you want to run Glade on. You can either run the ‘hostid’ executable shipped with the distribution, or check the logfile which will have a line like ‘MAC address: 2C:6D:C1:8F:C7:E5’. The 6 pairs of hex numbers are the MAC address.
  2. Send this to
  3. Pay £120/$155 via PayPal to, giving the MAC address as the reference. Or if you wish you can pay using SWIFT international bank transfer – contact us for details.
  4. You will be sent a license file within 24 hours of payment being received. Then, just save the license file on your machine and set the environment variable ‘GLADE_LICENSE_FILE’ to the absolute file path of the license file (including the file name itself).

We offer commercial users a support contract offering 24hr response to technical queries and usage, with tracking of issues and dedicated sftp login for data transfer. Please use the contact page to ask for more details.

Installing licenses

To install a license, save the license file to some location. For example: C:\Users\MyName\license.dat on Windows or /home/MyName/license.dat on Linux/Mac.

Next, set an environment variable to point to this license file. The way you do this depends on which platform you are running on.


On Windows you can set an environment variable by opening Search and entering “Edit System Environment Variables”. Then, in the System Properties dialog, click on ‘Environment Variables’. In the User Variables section, click on ‘New’ and add the variable name as GLADE_LICENSE_FILE and the value as the license file location e.g. C:\Users\MyName\license.dat. Click OK to save the environment variable.


On Linux you can edit your .bashrc and add a line to specify the environment variable name and value:

export GLADE_LICENSE_FILE=/home/MyName/license.dat

Don’t forget to open a new shell (or source your .bashrc) for this to take effect.


On the Mac, you can set the environment variable in a similar way in your .bash_profile, which will set it when you next open a terminal. When starting Glade from an icon, however, the .bash_profile is not read, so you need to set the env var using launchctl. To do this, create a file e.g. ~/set_env_vars with the following line (assuming your license file is called license.dat and is in your home directory):

launchctl setenv GLADE_LICENSE_FILE $HOME/license.dat

Then open System Preferences->Users & Groups and choose Login Items tab for your username. Click on ‘+’ and select the file you just created e.g. ~/set_env_vars.

When you next start Glade, you should see in the logfile something like:

  • # Reading license file: /home/MyName/license.dat
  • # – Enterprise feature enabled.
  • # – Advanced DRC feature enabled.

If not, check the environment variable name and value is correct.