Glade Reference

viaInst class

A viaInst is a reference to a via, in a cellview. viaInsts are like instances but require less memory and have a specific function, i.e. to be instances of vias which again are a type of cellView with a specific function, i.e to hold rectangular shapes of the via. Normally viaInsts are created in a cellView using the dbCreateViaInst() function.


int32_t viaInst::left()

Get the left edge of the viaInst's bounding box


int32_t viaInst::bottom()

Get the bottom edge of the viaInst's bounding box.


int32_t viaInst::right()

Get the right edge of the viaInst's bounding box.


int32_t viaInst::top()

Get the top edge of the viaInst's bounding box.


viaInst::offGrid(int32_t grid)

Checks if a viaInst's origin is on the grid grid, which is in database units.


viaInst::orient(db_Orient o)

Set the viaInst's orientation. db_Orient can be one of: R0, R90, R180, R270, MX, MXR90, MY, MYR90.


db_Orient viaInst::orient()

Get the viaInst's orientation.


viaInst::origin(Point origin)

Sets the viaInst's origin to the Point origin.


Point viaInst::origin()

Get the viaInst's origin.


Rect viaInst::bBox()

Get the viaInst's bounding box.


db_Type viaInst::objType()

Returns the objects type as VIAINST


char * vi.objName()

Returns the print name i.e. "VIAINST"


vi.transform(transform trans)

Transform the instance by the given transform trans.


viaInst::scale(float64_t scalefactor, float64_t grid)

Scale the instance origin coordinates by scalefactor, snapping to grid.


viaInst::Move(cellView *cv, Point delta, bool opt=true)

Move the viaInst's origin by delta.  If opt is 1 then the database is re-optimised for the new inst position. If there are a lot of objects to move it makes sense to turn this off and instead use the cellView update() function after moving them all.


dbObj * viaInst::Copy(cellView *cv, Point delta)

Copy the viaInst. cv is the destination cellview, delta is the offset from the current origin.


dbObj * viaInst::Flatten(cellView *cv, transform trans)

Flatten the viaInst's into the cellView cv, with the given transform trans.


via * viaInst::getVia()

Gets the via master for this viaInst




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