Ubuntu 20.04 Installation (Newbie)!

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    I have never done this kind of installation before and a new ubuntu user.

    What I did..
    In the home\zois directory, there is a .bashrc file and I add all the lines as per the instruction
    I add these line at the bottom of the .bashrc file. and after that save it

    export GLADE_HOME=/home/zois/Softwares/RTL_to_GDSII/Glade/glade4_linux64_ub20
    export PATH=$GLADE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.8:$GLADE_HOME/bin

    now I have no idea what to do? how to run?

    I tried ./glade command running the command in various directories but nothing happens
    And after that I have restarted my laptop hoping that a logo might appear but nothing else…

    I have no idea and search everywhere but …..

    can you give me an instruction for a very very beginner like me…

    Sorry for dumbness… Hope you would understand


    Try typing:

    which glade

    If you see something like /home/zois/Softwares/RTL_to_GDSII/Glade/glade4_linux64_ub20/bin/glade

    then your PATH is set, and you can just type glade not ./glade

    The latter will try and start an executable in the current directory, which is (usually) not what you want.

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