Support older glibc installation

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    I have an older red hat linux machine, running current Glade 4.1.16, I get this error:
    /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4' not found (required by glade)
    1) is there a workaround short of updating the entire c++ libraries?
    2) perhaps an older version that supports glib 2.3.2?

    other note: with current install, I have qt 4 installed and able to compile and get working klayout.

    please advise.


    I have an older red hat linux machine, running current Glade 4.1.16, I get this error:
    /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4' not found (required by glade)
    1) is there a workaround short of updating the entire c++ libraries?
    2) perhaps an older version that supports glib 2.3.2?

    other note: with current install, I have qt 4 installed and able to compile and get working klayout.

    please advise.


    I'm not sure of any obvious workaround. I'd suggest updating your linux installation. Glade is compiled and tested on CentOS 4.7.


    2 things working against this suggestion. 1) we have many other applications installed that would have to be recompiled and updated, 2) we are on rhel3 and would incur cost to move all our workstations to a newer version to support.
    Glade is a great application, I would like to transition to it from klayout, but this issue may be what prevents this change over.
    Perhaps you or someone in the forum can suggest how to install new os without impacting installed applications?


    Agreed but RHEL3 is pretty old now. Have you considered using e.g. vmware?

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